
Read policy publications and consultation responses by the UA team.

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  1. University Alliance responds to Innovation Strategy

    University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We welcome today’s publication of the Innovation strategy. Alliance universities are a longstanding, stable presence in their regions and are well-placed to support the strategy’s ambitions, through unleashing innovation to deliver economic opportunity and drive growth. Sitting at the nexus of higher education and industry, our members can utilise […]

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  2. University Alliance responds to government reform of post-16 qualifications

    University Alliance have joined a coalition of 12 education bodies representing staff and students in schools, colleges and universities in writing to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson urging him not to scrap the vast majority of applied general qualifications such as BTECs. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “As the voice of professional and technical universities, […]

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  3. University Alliance submission to Higher Education Commission’s University Research and Regional Levelling-Up Inquiry

    Working in partnership to support the growth of the economy and our towns and cities is central to our mission. Many of our member universities trace their origins to Britain’s Industrial Revolution and have worked closely with commercial and professional partners for more than 150 years. Alliance universities are a longstanding, stable presence in their […]

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  4. University Alliance publish their submission to the DfE consultation on PQA reform

    We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Department for Education’s consultation on Post-Qualification Admissions Reform. We recognise that the higher education admissions system is far from perfect, and we welcome changes to make it fairer and more transparent. However, we believe the most effective way to achieve this is through retaining and […]

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  5. University Alliance responds to OfS consultation on recurrent funding

    University Alliance calls for protection of creative arts education and re-instatement of London weighting to enable fair access to HE for most disadvantaged students Creative arts education courses must not face cuts, or the Government risks undermining its own ambitions, says University Alliance. Responding to the OfS’s consultation on recurrent funding , the mission group […]

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  6. UA submission to OfS consultation on recurrent funding

    The full UA consultation submission can be found here, or summarised as: UA are strongly opposed to the reduction in funding for C1 subjects, which we believe are as strategically important as other high-cost disciplines. Firstly, they bring a significant contribution to the UK economy and provide crucial skills needed by UK businesses, both within […]

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  7. Research and Innovation at Alliance Universities

    A new publication released 10 March by University Alliance (UA) showcases how research taking place in universities across the Alliance is delivering local and global impact. Launched to coincide with British Science Week, the publication uses case studies to highlight how Alliance universities work with partners to address real-word challenges, and to deliver research activities that directly benefit people, communities, […]

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  8. UA submission to Ofqual & DfE consultations on summer 2021 grades

    University Alliance welcome the opportunity to make a brief submission to the Ofqual and DfE consultations on arrangements for awarding grades for GCSE, AS and A levels and awarding arrangements for a range of vocational and technical qualifications in summer 2021 focused on the proposed timeline for higher education admissions. Alliance universities accept that there […]

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  9. University Alliance response to the Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England second stage consultation

    University Alliance has responded on behalf of our members to DFE’s Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3. Our response can be found here, and summarised as: Alliance universities are very supportive of T Levels as a progression route to a range of higher education provision, and many are utilising their long-standing partnerships with FE […]

    Read more of: University Alliance response to the Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England second stage consultation
  10. University Alliance submission to OFS quality and standards consultation

    UA response to OfS quality proposals University Alliance has submitted evidence to the OfS consultation on regulating equality and standards in higher education. In principle we are supportive of moves to improve quality and standards in higher education in England. However, our members have significant concerns about a number of proposals in the consultation. Whilst […]

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