
Read policy publications and consultation responses by the UA team.

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  1. University Alliance responds to the Office for Students’ free speech complaints scheme consultation

    University Alliance has published their response to the Office for Students’ consultation on their free speech complaints scheme. Summary The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 requires the Office for Students (OfS) to operate a free speech complaints scheme. It is imperative that this new scheme runs as effectively and efficiently as possible, ensuring […]

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  2. UA’s asks ahead of the Spring Budget

    Addressing the immediate challenges facing our universities and their students  UK universities now incur losses of £6bn annually on their core activities of research and teaching for UK home students. Our members are making significant changes to adjust to financial pressures, including major restructuring and transformation programmes. Recent analysis by PwC demonstrates that all universities […]

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  3. UA briefing on international students

    International student numbers have been growing in the UK as part of a government strategy to grow education export income for the UK, provide financial sustainability for universities without increasing the contribution of taxpayers or UK students, and ensure our country remains globally connected. Universities have supported this strategy both because we believe in the power of […]

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  4. ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity

    Pandemic learnings   As the public Covid-19 inquiry grinds painfully on, it is appropriate for us in the Higher Education sector to conduct a little reflection of our own.   There is much about lockdown life we all want to forget: the grim headlines, the concern for our loved ones and ourselves, the questionable Netflix binges and […]

    Read more of: ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity
  5. ‘Let’s Get Technical’: University Alliance publishes five policy asks for the next Government

    Note: in July 2024, following the election of a new Labour government, University Alliance has published an updated publication Let’s Get Technical: The First 100 Days. This sets out our recommendations for the government’s first 100 days in office, and in the long-term. University Alliance, an association of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities, […]

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    Film students photographed - the Let's Get Technical campaign image
  6. #ArtIsEssential campaign coalition launch Creative Education Manifesto, calling on all political parties to protect the creative arts talent pipeline

    Ahead of party conference season, a coalition of creative and higher education organisations have launched their Creative Education Manifesto, calling on all political parties to commit collectively to restoring creative arts education. The manifesto contains eight key asks which, if actioned, the coalition argues will help protect the critical talent pipeline that feeds the UK’s […]

    Read more of: #ArtIsEssential campaign coalition launch Creative Education Manifesto, calling on all political parties to protect the creative arts talent pipeline
  7. University Alliance respond to the Department for Education’s consultation on the de-designation of QAA as the Designated Quality Body in England

    University Alliance has responded to the Department for Education’s consultation on the de-designation of QAA as the Designated Quality Body in England. Our full consultation response can be viewed here. Vanessa Wilson, CEO of University Alliance commented: “In our consultation response, we highlighted our strong belief that the sector needs an independent Designated Quality Board […]

    Read more of: University Alliance respond to the Department for Education’s consultation on the de-designation of QAA as the Designated Quality Body in England
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  8. ‘Delivering the Healthcare Workforce of the Future’: University Alliance publishes proposals to help tackle the NHS workforce crisis

    University Alliance, an association of universities which collectively trains 30% of nurses in England, has today (31 January) published a briefing on ‘Delivering the Healthcare Workforce of the Future’.  It comes at a time when the NHS is facing a workforce crisis, with over 130,000 vacancies in England and over 46,000 vacant nursing posts – […]

    Read more of: ‘Delivering the Healthcare Workforce of the Future’: University Alliance publishes proposals to help tackle the NHS workforce crisis
    NHS Workforce