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  1. Realising the benefits of the KEF through collaboration

    …iding a single point of contact for twelve leading universities and consolidating information gathering for industry, government and partners will also help simplify and speed-up processes. Universities can also form partnerships for collaboration, not least as a conduit for funding. After all, resource remains scare and to make the best use of available provision we will need to work together, streamlining processes and consolidating our strength…

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  2. University Alliance responds to DfE’s Advanced British Standard consultation

    …f England-style independent body to oversee designing the curriculum and updating it as new evidence of best practice emerges, as recommended by numerous education experts over the years. It is vital that the DfE works in partnership with the whole education sector, including universities, to ensure the ABS is rolled out with the maximum amount of consensus possible. It should seek to avoid a repeat of the sequencing problems encountered by the Le…

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  3. ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity

    …with their needs in mind. This goes beyond practical needs, such as accommodating for students with caring or work responsibilities in scheduling, and includes recognition of the long-term outcomes students might want to achieve as a result of their degree.   One feature that came up repeatedly in this context was employability. Students stated that when assessments were matched to what they might be expected to do in a career in the field they we…

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  4. Digital transformation is key to boosting student experience

    …er to solve different specific needs and achieve various goals is not as powerful as technology applied as a business enabler of the entire institution’s success.   Increasingly the way in which students engage with their institution is through the digital world – it’s inevitable. Obviously there has been a shift to hybrid learning but I’m talking more here about the key moments outside of the classroom context. Most of the student experience apps…

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  5. Driving digital inclusion – Oxford Brookes University

    …ginalised, for instance due to their sexuality, ethnicity or disability. Updating the idea of the 1930s reading machine, Eric and Oxfordshire County Libraries were awarded ‘Building Bridges’ funding from CILIP and Arts Council England to build an app and toolkit to engage young people in virtual storytelling. Designed to be easy to use, it guides participants through the process of creating a VR experience in under two hours. The app was shaped wi…

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  6. Brighton Waste House

    …cluding the MA in Sustainable Design, whose work involves completing and updating the live research project that is the Brighton Waste House. Many of the schools that visited the construction site now take part in creative workshops, seminars and events held at the Brighton Waste House, hosted or curated by artists, makers, designers, scientists, building contractors, or whoever wants to be involved in testing ideas around sustainable design. The…

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  7. How Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against Coronavirus

    …s and the government may need during these challenging times. We will be updating this page and the accompanying graphics with stories of how Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against Coronavirus and supporting their communities in this time of need. For more information about any of the stories mentioned, please contact Just some of the ways that Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against…

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  8. Energy case study: Sherna Salim

    …h continuously measures energy efficiency, health and well-being in correlation with occupant behaviour. It will also identify opportunities to improve both. Her research project, which is consolidating her previous engineering and product design skills, will explore innovative approaches for assisted living and smart home technology. Back to case studies page…

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