Read policy publications and consultation responses by the UA team.

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  1. ‘Let’s Get Technical’: University Alliance publishes five policy asks for the next Government

    University Alliance, an association of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities, has today (Friday 29 September) published ‘Let’s Get Technical: How to harness the power of professional and technical universities to deliver for the UK’. Launched to coincide with party conference season, ‘Let’s Get Technical’ proposes five long-term goals for the next UK government, […]

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    Film students photographed - the Let's Get Technical campaign image
  2. A vision for growth: University Alliance outlines six actions the government can take to drive growth through universities

    As the new government settle in to their posts and prepare for a fiscal event on Friday (23 September), University Alliance have released A Vision for Growth. In it, the Alliance outline a vision for national and regional growth, fuelled by technical and professional universities. The document emphasises three areas of focus: delivering the skills […]

    Read more of: A vision for growth: University Alliance outlines six actions the government can take to drive growth through universities
  3. University Alliance responds to Innovation Strategy

    University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We welcome today’s publication of the Innovation strategy. Alliance universities are a longstanding, stable presence in their regions and are well-placed to support the strategy’s ambitions, through unleashing innovation to deliver economic opportunity and drive growth. Sitting at the nexus of higher education and industry, our members can utilise […]

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to Innovation Strategy
    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  4. University Alliance submission to Higher Education Commission’s University Research and Regional Levelling-Up Inquiry

    Working in partnership to support the growth of the economy and our towns and cities is central to our mission. Many of our member universities trace their origins to Britain’s Industrial Revolution and have worked closely with commercial and professional partners for more than 150 years. Alliance universities are a longstanding, stable presence in their […]

    Read more of: University Alliance submission to Higher Education Commission’s University Research and Regional Levelling-Up Inquiry
  5. Research and Innovation at Alliance Universities

    A new publication released 10 March by University Alliance (UA) showcases how research taking place in universities across the Alliance is delivering local and global impact. Launched to coincide with British Science Week, the publication uses case studies to highlight how Alliance universities work with partners to address real-word challenges, and to deliver research activities that directly benefit people, communities, […]

    Read more of: Research and Innovation at Alliance Universities
  6. DTA guidance for taking care of mental health and wellbeing

    University Alliance’s Doctoral Training Alliance have developed the DTA guidance for taking care of mental health and wellbeing for their postgraduate researchers. The guidance is designed to support DTA students to: Develop their knowledge of the most common difficulties affecting the mental health of PhD researchers as well as tips to deal with them Find […]

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