Teaching and learning

Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. How the Innocence Project London law clinic is redefining clinical legal education

    Hands-on experience is a defining feature of teaching and learning at Alliance universities. In our latest instalment of the Innovators blog series, University of Greenwich’s Dr. Louise Hewitt writes about how the Innocence Project London provides vital experience and a critical perspective of the criminal justice system for her students. Deconstructing claims of innocence from […]

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  2. Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?

    The 2023 TEF submissions have been published but, as Jim Dickinson and David Kernohan observed on WonkHE, “there’s no way any human is going to read all of them”. I have however read the institutional narratives from the 14 English members of University Alliance (16 of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities) and have […]

    Read more of: Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?
  3. ‘What now?’: how adaptations to assessment during COVID-19 can improve inclusivity

    Pandemic learnings   As the public Covid-19 inquiry grinds painfully on, it is appropriate for us in the Higher Education sector to conduct a little reflection of our own.   There is much about lockdown life we all want to forget: the grim headlines, the concern for our loved ones and ourselves, the questionable Netflix binges and […]

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  4. How Anglia Ruskin University’s Live Brief modules are enhancing graduate employability

    Employability is an individual matter. It requires each student to embrace their professional development and to access the support and opportunities our universities provide. Unfortunately, many students leave it too late, assuming employability is a set of skills they can  acquire at some point before they graduate. However, academics and other staff responsible for employability […]

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  5. Digital transformation is key to boosting student experience

    Universities are faced with rising costs and shrinking margins, and the challenges are many. Student attraction and retention remains a priority, amid an everchanging mix of domestic and international students. There is no doubt the competition for international and other highly sought-after students has been heightened by COVID, and the ability to manage profitability through […]

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  6. Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?

    Since the government consultation response to the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) was published in March this year, the higher education sector has had a chance to let the news sink in. Now it’s time to reflect on what the next steps might be. The introduction of the LLE has been long anticipated and was […]

    Read more of: Lifelong Loan Entitlement: opportunities for learners, choices for universities?
  7. Harnessing the power of university-sponsored Multi Academy Trust partnerships

    This blog was written by: Professor Debra Humphris, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor, University of Brighton; Dr John Smith, Chief Executive of Brighton Academies Trust; Ian Dunn, Provost, Coventry University; and Uly Lyons, Chief Executive of the Better Futures Multi Academy Trust.  This article first appeared in HEPI.  In a speech to the school sector in […]

    Read more of: Harnessing the power of university-sponsored Multi Academy Trust partnerships
  8. ‘A solution can always be found and we are on your side’ – Kingston University Clearing student turned hotline operator says

    When Veronica Oprisan decided to change paths from musical theatre to business psychology, she felt nervous about having to reapply for university.  But after securing a place at Kingston University through Clearing she is at peace with her choice and, one year later is now working as a hotline operator where she hopes to reassure […]

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  9. High tech facilities at Alliance universities are helping to power the NHS

    University Alliance institutions are at the forefront of training the UK’s future health and social care workforce, training 25% of all nursing and midwifery students and 18% of all social work students. This is due in large part to the superb learning and training provision afforded by our universities’ high tech facilities. Allowing students to […]

    Read more of: High tech facilities at Alliance universities are helping to power the NHS