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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. How Anglia Ruskin University’s Live Brief modules are enhancing graduate employability

    …benefiting 5,989 students. All-round engagement with an active curriculum ARU’s investment in our Live Brief strategy has been considerable. It ensures that students relate the knowledge and skills they are developing to real-world problems. This not only improves engagement with employability, it also reshapes staff and student engagement with the active curriculum itself. Now two years into our Live Brief approach, our development focus is payin…

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  2. How Professional Doctorates are empowering nurses and midwives to lead

    …a research environment that empowers nurses to lead, participate in and deliver research, where research is fully embedded in practice and professional decision-making, for public benefit’. Four years previously, and almost as if in anticipation, we launched our Professional Doctorate in Nursing at Oxford Brookes University. The professional doctorate in Midwifery followed shortly after. At the time of writing, our first cohort of professional do…

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    Helen Aveyard
  3. Vaccines, R&D and the Budget

    …risk much of the regional investment being undone. The combination of EU Structural Funds with research and innovation funding has played a vital role in regional economic development. Universities have been able to leverage these funds, alongside significant co-investment from universities, to play a critical role in further increasing private sector investment in R&D. That’s why, at University Alliance, we have been calling for urgent clarity on…

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    Beth Button
  4. DTA Summer School 2022 – Three days of Celebration, Collaboration and Community

    …into small groups and walked around the beautiful city of Brighton. Mary Oliver said, “Instructions for living a life is to pay attention, be astonished and talk about it”. With the beautiful weather, amazing sea front and lovely company to walk with, we got to do all of it in the same session. After the Research flash presentations and parallel online sessions for the second day, we all joined together for our quintessential DTA debate session l…

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    Surya Maruthupandian
  5. Placed-based innovation at RGU Orkney

    …far-reaching implications for the region’s ecology, economy, and people’s lives. RGU’s research and innovation initiatives will aim to address these challenges and make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of the Arctic communities. The University is preparing to attend the Arctic Science Summit Week in Edinburgh in March 2024. Additionally, plans are underway to host the Scottish Model Arctic Council (SCOTMAC) in Orkney in 2024. As RGU ve…

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    Elsa Cox
  6. Celebrating the very best of DTA creativity and research talent at the Images of Research Awards

    …he excellent set of entries and finding out more about the range of ground-breaking research projects being carried out across the DTA. DTA researchers, supervisors and members of the DTA Training and Management Groups were also invited to select the most engaging images in the People’s Choice vote. Images were then evaluated according to how effectively they conveyed the area of research to a non-specialist audience. Louise Mitchell (Bioscience,…

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  7. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 4

    …ich means that it has a defined beginning and an end, goals, objectives, deliverables, resources, delivery plan. Although publicly funded organisations worked differently in the past, with financial pressures, they are now having to adapt and adopt project based organisation.” His understanding of industry needs, has also had a more specific impact on the work he does at Teesside. He says, “My previous experience has guided me to streamline my min…

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  8. 2020 reviewed by our networks

    …uge investments in digital infrastructure and support for their staff. The online delivery was nothing new for Alliance universities however, who have had a ‘digital first’ approach to their teaching for many years. “At Teesside we were able to respond quickly to the pandemic, pivoting to online teaching and learning with speed. Whilst our strengths in Edtech underpinned this transition, the creative and innovative thinking by our staff that enabl…

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  9. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 3

    …ions, preventing disease and managing outbreaks, and this application of research to real-world problems is something Arantza wants to work on. She says the ability to work with an organisation like Pirbright is one of the main advantages of the DTA programme; “The most beneficial element of the programme is that students are encouraged to do placements. This means you learn new things and meet more people- people who can help you in your future c…

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  10. Digital teaching and learning has a future – but we must get the balance right

    …are more engaged by the digital experience than traditional face to face delivery. Online learning ‘festivals’ have engaged many more students and staff than previously and have brought together multiple campuses in a way that is not possible in-person. This presents exciting opportunities to expand access to higher education to those who might not have thought it was accessible to them in the past, notably mature and part-time students. However t…

    Read more of: Digital teaching and learning has a future – but we must get the balance right