University Alliance responds to HE-BCI consultation on ‘in-kind’ contributions

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University Alliance has submitted their response to the HE-BCI consultation on ‘in-kind’ contributions. See our full written response here.

University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said:

“Community and business engagement are a core part of Alliance universities’ mission. We understand that reliable data, including on in-kind contributions, serves valuable purposes for funders and other stakeholders. It is also used to inform strategic decision-making within universities themselves. 

The guidance underpinning HE-BCI is only one part of the picture. For many higher education institutions, the time and cost burden of setting-up and running a process to fully capture in-kind contributions will continue to outweigh the benefits unless there are clearer incentives or requirements.

We are also concerned that taking a piecemeal approach to the HE-BCI review could end up creating additional burden for some institutions, particularly if further changes are needed as a result of the ongoing review of knowledge exchange funding in England.

That said, we are generally supportive of Approach 1 to the revised guidance proposed in the HE-BCI phase 2 consultation. Our response outlines a few areas where changes could be made to the proposed guidance to ensure greater clarity and consistency.

We look forward to engaging with the next phase of the review.”


Further reading