HE mission groups call for inquiry into the Office for Students

Signed by four key mission groups within higher education, including University Alliance, the Russell Group has sent a letter to the Chair of the Education Committee Robin Walker MP, to call for a review of the Office for Students. On the fifth year since its establishment, the mission groups strongly recommend an investigation into the OfS, to ensure that it is fulfilling its role and responsibilities within the sector as a fully independent regulatory body.

University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson, one of the four signees of the letter, said:

“It is vital that the higher education sector is regulated effectively to ensure it is first and foremost delivering for students and that our world-class reputation is protected. A review into the form and function of the OfS would be a timely opportunity given its five-year anniversary to ensure that it is fulfilling its role as an effective regulator meeting the expectations as set out in the Higher Education and Research Act.”

See the full letter here.

Further reading