Accounting for Community: Engaging Students (ACES) Scheme at Oxford Brookes

Oxford Brookes University’s ACES project matches second and final year accounting student volunteers with charities and social enterprises, to provide services such as book-keeping and end of year statements.

Find out more below.

The Accounting for Community: Engaging Students (ACES) scheme gives our students the opportunity to gain real-life experience whilst helping local community organisations.

What is this scheme?

  • It gives you real-life experience of accounting whilst providing much needed services to community organisations such as cooperatives, community interest companies, charities and voluntary organisations in Oxford.
  • It enables students to contribute to the well-being of the local community whilst developing their professional skills and contributing to their employability.
  • Being part of this scheme will look great on your CV.

How does it work?

  • Each year second and final year Accounting and Finance students volunteer with charities, social enterprises and voluntary associations in Oxford, to provide accounting services such as basic book-keeping, setting up systems for book-keeping, claiming Gift Aid, producing management accounts for board meetings, producing end of year statements and independent examinations.
  • You will be supported by a member of staff experienced in charity and social enterprise accounting.

Further reading