University Alliance responds to Ofqual/DfE A-level and GCSE consultation proposals

Responding to the proposals published today (Friday 15th January 2021) by DfE and Ofqual, for the system to be put in place due to summer exam cancellations, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said:

University Alliance welcomes the chance to engage in the Ofqual/DfE A-levels and GCSE consultation.

The announced consultation delivers some much needed, and welcome, clarity for learners, schools, colleges and universities on the proposed process of assessment for the 2021 cohort. We look forward to engaging in the consultation and working with the school and college sector to plan for the year ahead, and ensure that a fair and equitable system is delivered for learners.

It will be important that the proposed timeline for results allows both sufficient time for learners to appeal but also for universities to best plan with the information available. We will be seeking clarity on what the proposed timetable means for the university admissions cycle – it is important that universities are engaged with to ensure that they can best support students during the admissions process.

With a large proportion of prospective students at Alliance universities studying vocational and technical qualifications, we welcome the specific consultation on VTECs. All too often these qualifications are an afterthought, and it is important that they are given parity within considerations and planning.”


Further reading