Hertfordshire study finds pandemic increases dietary health inequalities in the East of England

Initial findings from a new study by a team of researchers at the University of Hertfordshire, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration East of England (ARC EoE), has found that COVID-19 and lockdown measures have amplified dietary health inequalities in the East of England region.

In short:

Professor Wendy Wills, Director of the Centre of Research into Public Health and Community Care at the University of Hertfordshire, said: “Increasing demand in supermarkets, panic buying, detrimental impacts on household incomes and social distancing have severely disrupted food practices since the start of the pandemic. While local authorities and community groups stepped up rapidly and innovatively to respond to food security issues over the past few months, there are gaps in the system and lessons to be learned should this be called for again if we experience local lockdowns. Our research will help inform effective and targeted interventions to maintain health and wellbeing and to ensure it is sustained throughout this crisis period and beyond.”

For more information on the research, visit the University of Hertfordshire website.

Further reading