Statement on ensuring fair assessments in light of disruption caused by Coronavirus

Alliance universities are working hard with staff and students’ unions to mitigate disruption and minimise stress and ensure fairness for learners during this period. This includes moving teaching online where possible, and reviewing the delivery of assessments and offering alternative arrangements where needed to ensure fairness in assessment.

Commenting on the approaches being taken by the Alliance, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: 

“As an Alliance of technical and professional universities we are proud of the diverse and talented student communities that we serve. Our members are wholly committed to supporting their university communities through this difficult period, and to ensuring that all our students thrive.

“Alliance universities have been working hard to ensure that where possible, students have access to the equipment and support needed to continue their learning remotely, and to progress students and make awards in the normal timescales wherever this is possible. Universities are in regular communication with students about changes that may affect them.

“For final year students, Alliance universities are working to find flexible solutions to enable them to complete their final assessments, and are committed to ensuring that students are not disadvantaged in assessment through the wide range of regulatory interventions universities have at their disposal. Our members are also working hard to ensure that assessments can meet professional, statutory and regulatory body requirements whilst at the same time appealing for flexibility given the challenging circumstances facing everyone at this current time.

“It’s important to recognise that online assessment is not always practical or possible, particularly for students who may not have had access to a computer, or for those who need additional support. For these students, assessments may be deferred, and universities are working to support students on a case-by-case basis.”


  1. University Alliance is the voice of professional and technical universities working at the heart of their communities. Alliance universities work with industry to deliver innovative applied research and practical skills-based learning to solve the problems of the future and train the workforce of tomorrow.
  2. For more information visit or contact 07756155056

Further reading