University Alliance Summit 2015: Anticipation. Disruption. Excellence.


Thursday 4 June 2015, 12.00 – 18.30

Newport City Campus, University of South Wales, Newport NP20 2BP

The Summit is kindly being sponsored by Tableau

UA Summit 2015 is kindly being sponsored by Tableau

Speakers and programme announced

The Annual Summit welcomes University Alliance colleagues including Vice-Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, Communications Leads, Deans and anyone else at Alliance universities who is interested in our work.

The Summit is hosted by the University of South Wales

UA Summit 2015 host

There is so much uncertainty on the horizon. How can we be working together to give ourselves the competitive edge? How will political change impact your institution? What is the role of challenger institutions in driving innovation in UK HE?

The 3rd annual University Alliance Summit will be an early opportunity for staff Alliance Universities to come together to reflect on the General Election and look to the year ahead.

We are pleased to confirm the programme to the Summit, including speakers, breakout sessions and pre-Summit fringe events – see below.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Summit is supported by Wonkhe

UA Summit 2015 supporter

Speakers and panellists:

Breakout sessions

  1. Reputation Management in context of REF 2020, Ben Verinder, MD, Chalkstream Communications
  2. Universities driving UK-wide competitiveness, Liz Shutt, Head of Policy, University Alliance
  3. Using data to drive decisions – joint JISC/HESA/Tableau session, Janette Hillicks, Subject Specialist in technology to support enterprise, JISC, Sophie Haworth, Trainer, HESA, Yusaf Mirza, Tableau

Pre-Summit fringe events:

Wonkhe workshop: Twitter Surgery
Mark Leach, founder, Editor in Chief and Director, Wonkhe, on how to get the most out of Twitter. One-to-one and group session.

Teaching and Learning PVC Network

Communications Network

International PVC Network

This conference is closed to staff at Alliance universities. Click here to register your place and read the full programme.

Further reading