Professor Steve West, Chair of University Alliance, welcomed the Growth Through People report from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, adding
“We wholeheartedly agree universities and employers need to work together to ensure the skills students are learning are relevant and up-to-date, and most importantly flexible to changing demands of the labour market. University also offers students the opportunity to expand their minds and broaden their understanding, and this alongside their employability skills, creates a flexible, analytical graduate who can adapt and change over time.
“Our recent JobReady project where we interviewed 40 employers, large and small, already collaborating with Alliance universities, revealed that they really value working with universities. They like partnerships with universities that deliver results and help them to find graduates who can hit the ground running.
“University-business partnerships add huge value to students, business and the UK’s economy and society. We need more of them. It will take a lot of hard work and commitment but in doing so will provide a world-class offer to drive growth and creativity in the UK.”