“The University Alliance this week cautioned against an over-emphasis on a narrow group of universities, saying that it stood in the way of social mobility.”
University Alliance’s social mobility report has been referenced in a piece written for the BBC. Sean Coughlan argues that it’s not a criticism of the individual institutions, but an irritation that belonging to a group, named after the London hotel where they used to meet, seems to have taken on a semi-official status.
The article stresses concerned claims over unfairly undermining the value of other non-Russell Group universities, which most students are going to attend, universities which are as good if not better.
Professor John Latham CBE, a board member at University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University is set to advise the government on business and trade. Professor Latham has been named…
“As the end of another busy year approaches, the time is right to take stock and reflect on the last 12 months. A lot has changed: this time last December,…
Following the results of the government’s ‘rapid review’ of level 3 qualifications, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “The Protect Student Choice campaign have again succeeded in championing the importance…