University Alliance officially launched ‘Growing the future: universities leading, changing and creating the regional economy’, during this year’s party conference season. Our team travelled to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester to speak to decision makers from across the political spectrum on the role universities play in driving economic growth. We also used this opportunity to demonstrate the wider impact that our universities are having in social mobility and continue our constructive dialogue on the Higher Education White Paper’s strengths and weaknesses. You can find out more in our response to the White Paper here.
The Alliance held numerous events at conferences attended by Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), in Birmingham, David Willetts, Minister of State for Universities and Skills, in Manchester and John Denham, previously Shadow Secretary of State for BIS, in Liverpool.
Party conferences are just one forum in which University Alliance are working with decision makers from all political parties. We will be continuing to have a healthy dialogue with politicians to raise understanding of Alliance universities and the role they play in the regional and national economy.
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