Our member universities specialise in working with industry and employers.
Their teaching is hands on, and designed to prepare students for careers. Their knowledge and research drive industry to innovate, thrive and meet challenges.
Our members are leading the way in innovation and business support in the green, tech, creative and healthcare industries. They are leading providers of teaching in healthcare, the creative industries, social sciences, engineering, business and computing. They are some of the biggest degree apprenticeship providers in the UK.
What do we do as an Alliance?
We come together as the University Alliance group to benefit our member universities and their communities, and to provide expertise to policy makers.
That includes:
- Providing professional networks for leaders and staff at our member universities to learn from each other and work through common issues and opportunities.
- Running joint programmes across our member universities. For example, the Doctoral Training Alliance is a shared programme which supports doctoral researchers with their career development.
- Developing research, insights and advice to help inform government policy on higher education and other relevant issues, and linking government up with people working ‘on the ground’ in our member universities.
- Delivering communications and engagement to help people understand how our member universities work and what makes them special.
UA in facts and stats
Of the UK’s leading professional and technical universities
Gold standard teaching
Alliance universities are more likely to be rated gold for teaching excellence than universities in any other group according to the government’s Teaching Excellence Framework.
Top for student satisfaction
Alliance universities came top for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey 2023.
Of graduates from Alliance Universities were in work or another activity like further study just 15 months after graduating, and…
of those described what they were doing as ‘meaningful’.
Of all research at Alliance universities is world leading or internationally excellent.
Of all degree apprenticeship starts are at an Alliance university.
Of all nurses in England and Wales are taught at an Alliance university.
Leaders in…
Healthcare, engineering, social sciences, creative industries, business and computing.